How are you managing?

The simplest plug for the hole is counting. Count backwards from 100 by sevens. When that gets too easy, pick a different number-by sixes, thirteens. Throw in a round saying the alphabet backwards--careful you don't memorize it.

When you really need to shut up your brain, including sealing up the edges, you can start at one thousand and subtract 9, then subtract 8, then 7. When you get down to 1, start over at 9. By the time you get down into the 700s you might have a handle on things.

Not thinking about the bad things is the key. So when there is something to do, something to focus on, that will help. A lot of people clean or cook or work out; doesn't help me. Then I'm just fretful and stressed by the task. I have to shout something else in my head until the thought I don't want to have goes away.

I sleep a lot. That helps.

Recitations. I like prayers, because they're short and meant to be repeated. Our Father and Hail Mary. 

Focusing on weird breathing can help in a moment of real panic. Breathe in for a four count, hold it for a four count, breathe out for a four count, hold it out for a four count. That's probably wrong--I think I should hold it more at the top than the bottom? But I can remember to breathe in a square when I can't remember much else.

I am barely holding on. I cry a lot. When I think even for a few minutes I start to cry. I can mostly live in the moment, but the future is kind of a yawning maw.


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